In Education
We choose to strengthen and create pedagogical and human tools that allow within the daily work to provide effective, efficient and quality comprehensive care to children, adolescents, young people, adults and communities.
Our objectives are the collective learning of values, psycho-motor skills, intellectual and emotional development, nutritional care, socialization and self-esteem; from the principle of the integrality of the person. There are 20 educators who have daily contact with the users, 95% of whom are women. The services we offer are:

- Child Development Centers (CDI): Children from one to three years of age who attend the Children’s Centers receive nutritional and psychomotor attention. The objective is to strengthen the children’s capacities with new methodologies.
- Comprehensive and Community Support Centers (CAI): Children from 3 to 12 years of age attend the school support centers and receive nutritional care and school leveling, from the accompaniment in schoolwork. The objective is to enhance their cognitive, socialization and self-esteem skills for optimal school performance, and to prevent them from becoming street children.